Bentley and Mason; they only have eyes for the other....
Governor Bentley Fiddles while Alabama Burns
Governor Bentley Diddles & Fiddles while Alabama Burns

Bentley and his most trusted political advisor, Rebekah Mason  created a scorched earth approach to running the state of Alabama.  Throughout their nefarious endeavors they have burned some of the most vulnerable citizens of the state:  children who have been placed in harms way. Imagine the desperation of a Mother who’s young daughter appears to have been sexually abused by the Father; a judge grants said Father custody of the child, sending her back into harms way.  How far would you go to save your child if DHR is ignoring your pleas and evidence of abuse?  How about to the capital in Montgomery; the Governor’s office, Constituent Services?

Bentley and Mason; they only have eyes for the other....
Bentley and Mason; they only have eyes for each other….

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